• 2024 CALENDAR
  • MASHUP24

Capital MASHUP24 Privacy Policy & Agenda

THE Experience

By Invitation

  • 09:30 AM THE Experience & Showcase Registration open
  • 10:00 AM Founder Showcase Welcome
  • 10:00 AM Pitch Practice (Competition finalists, judges, mentors)
  • 11:30 AM Private Alfresco Lunch (Competition finalists, judges, mentors, Showcase founders, speakers & mods, CAN Board & Committee Members, sponsors)

Elgin Street Entrance - Main Floor Lobby  


8th Floor Lobby

Aspen Room


Rooftop via Main Floor Lobby



For upgraded ticket holders & CAN Members

  • 12:15 AM Pre-MASH Registration open
  • 12:30 PM Tough Topics Tiny Tables for founders (CAN investors, experts & portfolio founder co-mods)
  • 1:15 PM  Life Sciences Founder Panel - Investor Value Proposition from Pre-seed to Series B
  • 2:00 PM  Ai  Founder Panel - Scaling Super Powers
  • 2:40  Founder Showcase Opens
  • 2:40  Sparkling Health Bar & Networking

8th Floor Lobby

Via Guides at 8th Floor Lobby  



8th Floor


8th Floor


9th Floor

9th Floor


THE Original Experience

all ticket holders & CAN Members

  • 3:00 PM MASHUP Registration open
  • Founder Showcase
  • Sparkling Health Bar & Networking
  • 3:15 PM CANLABS Investor Ready Popup Sessions  (CAN investors, & experts co-mods) For founders with Pre-MASH tickets.
  • 3:45 PM  - Happy Hour Bar Open
  • 4:45 PM  Official Open & Pitch Competition
  • 5:45  Happy Hour & Founder Showcase continue

8th Floor Lobby

9th Floor

9th Floor Health Bar

 Via Guides at 8th Floor Lobby



8th Floor Bar


8th Floor Bar

9th Floor




upgraded ticket holders

  • 5:45 Doors Open  
  • Live DJ V1tamin, appetizers & sundowners

Rooftop Bar via Main Floor Lobby




Registered Guest & Attendee

Privacy Policy

By registering for Capital MASHUP24 Elements -  Pre-MASH, The Original Experience, or The Sundowner Rooftop After Party you agree to be contacted by Capital Angel Network organisers about MASHUP24 and other events/ programs registration, updates and changes. We will not contact you to sell any products or services or share your contacts.


You may opt out of emails at any time by unsubscribing


If you have registered for an event on LINKEDIN, our team will send you an invite directly to the Event Ticketing Page. Registering for tickets grants organisers, partners and media the option to use video and  photographs from the event for live social media and promotion following the event. You are agreeing to being photographed.

More about the MASHUP24 Experience